December 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Dec 1 15:03:20 UTC 2013
Ending: Tue Dec 31 18:29:18 UTC 2013
Messages: 439
- Skype on Precise x86_64
TopBot .
- Finger print scanner: Precise and HP validity
TopBot .
- Hello, I would be out of station for probably a month or more
- 7.04 (yes!) and large drives
Istimsak Abdulbasir
- Help: what are the commands in terminal to find out if bluetooth is working, also I forgot my su password how can i reset it
Istimsak Abdulbasir
- No subject
- dig a vanity domain
Tony Arnold
- symlink via command line
Karl Auer
- symlink via command line
Karl Auer
- simple upstart example
Karl Auer
- simple upstart example
Karl Auer
- simple upstart example
Karl Auer
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Karl Auer
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Karl Auer
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Karl Auer
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Karl Auer
- 2.1 speaker's
William Biggs
- 2.1 speaker's
William Biggs
- new laptop will not start from USB flash drive
Joep L. Blom
- new laptop will not start from USB flash drive
Joep L. Blom
- Partitioning problem
- Partitioning problem
- Partitioning problem
- Partitioning problem
- Security question
- Update for Java?
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- Best practices for creating a bootable USB stick that works on both PC an Mac machines?
Adam Boettiger
- Ubuntu Forums - FYI
Kent Borg
- Grub confusion
Sarunas Burdulis
- test
Jim Byrnes
- test
Jim Byrnes
- Grub confusion
Jim Byrnes
- Firefox 26 and H.264 on Ubuntu
Jim Byrnes
- Update for Java?
Jim Byrnes
- Update for Java?
Jim Byrnes
- having a problem with postgresql removing or installing.
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Smoot Carl-Mitchell
- Computer is slowing down
Paul Cartwright
- Computer is slowing down
Paul Cartwright
- New(er) Kernel
Paul Cartwright
- New(er) Kernel
Paul Cartwright
- New(er) Kernel
Paul Cartwright
- New(er) Kernel-SOLVED
Paul Cartwright
- no mouse in XFCE4
Paul Cartwright
- Update for Java?
Paul Cartwright
- Update for Java?
Paul Cartwright
- Update for Java?
Paul Cartwright
- Update for Java?
Paul Cartwright
- Update for Java?
Paul Cartwright
- scanners
Paul Cartwright
- scanners
Paul Cartwright
- scanners
Paul Cartwright
- System Drops Network Connection
Paul Cartwright
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Paul Cartwright
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Nikolai Cassanova)
Paul Cartwright
- ubuntu/linux: any good free ascii-based game?
Paul Cartwright
- 13.10, byobu and welcome screen
Ben Coleman
- Imap trash settings
Phil'll Fix It Computers
- Imap trash settings
Phil'll Fix It Computers
- Imap trash settings
Phil'll Fix It Computers
- Imap trash settings
Phil'll Fix It Computers
- Granting all users access to mounted CIFS shares
Sayantan Das
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
Florian Diesch
- Intel GMA 3600 is using Gallium driver
Luca Dionisi
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Phil Dobbin
- scanners
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Nikolai Cassanova)
- 2.1 speaker's
Conny Enström
- Emergency backup virtual server
David Fletcher
- Security question
David Fletcher
- Security question
David Fletcher
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
David Fletcher
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
David Fletcher
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
David Fletcher
- No subject
James Freer
- Hello, I would be out of station for probably a month or more
Ryan Gauger
- Hello, I would be out of station for probably a month or more
Ryan Gauger
- EEEK! cannot log in
Ryan Gauger
- EEEK! cannot log in
Ryan Gauger
- Partition Resizing Plan
Marius Gedminas
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Marius Gedminas
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
Gilles Gravier
- Upgrades from 13.04 to 13.10 fail
Oliver Grawert
- New(er) Kernel
Oliver Grawert
- Security question
Oliver Grawert
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Oliver Grawert
- Sessions – what am I missing?
Chris Green
- libqt version 3 under 13.10?
Avi Greenbury
- symlink via command line
Jared Greenwald
- symlink via command line
Jared Greenwald
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Tom H
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Tom H
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Tom H
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Tom H
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Tom H
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Tom H
- Re: Sending multiple files in Nautilus to a script doesn't work the way I expected…
Tom H
- Preseeding answer to grub installation disk
Tom H
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Tom H
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Tom H
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Tom H
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Tom H
- rsync question
Preston Hagar
- Help: what are the commands in terminal to find out if bluetooth is working, also I forgot my su password how can i reset it
Preston Hagar
- Imap trash settings
Preston Hagar
- storage space
Preston Hagar
- scanners
Kaj Haulrich
- 7.04 (yes!) and large drives
Gene Heskett
- Computer is slowing down
Gene Heskett
- Computer is slowing down
Gene Heskett
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Gene Heskett
- Sound card problem
Gene Heskett
- Fresh install: LTSP on Ubuntu 13.10: "Error: socket failed: connection refused"
John Hupp
- Kernel bug hunt - 'Commit bisect start' yields 'A merge base must be tested'
John Hupp
- missing file in distro
John Hupp
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
William Scott Lockwood III
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
William Scott Lockwood III
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
William Scott Lockwood III
- ubuntu/linux: any good free ascii-based game?
William Scott Lockwood III
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
- issue about `less` in ubuntu
- Adding SteamOS to the Ubuntu Logon
- Grub confusion
JARA MELAGRANI, Mariano [wz]
- Update for Java?
Pastor JW
- Update for Java?
Pastor JW
- Partition Resizing Plan
Jithin James
- Hello, I would be out of station for probably a month or more
Jithin James
- Regarding mailman 2.1.6 RC 2 and bugs.
- <No Subject>
- <No Subject>
- Computer is slowing down
- Partitioning problem
Nils Kassube
- Partitioning problem
Nils Kassube
- Strange failure, probably video card
Nils Kassube
- Strange failure, probably video card
Nils Kassube
- Strange failure, probably video card
Nils Kassube
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
Nils Kassube
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
Nils Kassube
- bcache issue
Nils Kassube
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
Nils Kassube
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
Nils Kassube
- ubuntu/linux: any good free ascii-based game?
Nils Kassube
- missing file in distro
- rsync question
R Kimber
- rsync question
R Kimber
- rsync question
R Kimber
- boot from external hard drive
Gary Kirkpatrick
- boot from external hard drive
Gary Kirkpatrick
- boot from external hard drive (RESOLVVED)
Gary Kirkpatrick
- Computer is slowing down
Colin Law
- Computer is slowing down
Colin Law
- Partition Resizing Plan
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel
Colin Law
- os problems
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel
Colin Law
- Partition Resizing Plan
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel
Colin Law
- New(er) Kernel-SOLVED
Colin Law
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Colin Law
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
Colin Law
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
Colin Law
- Help with getting bluetooth to work
Colin Law
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Colin Law
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Colin Law
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Colin Law
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Colin Law
- scanners
Colin Law
- missing file in distro
Colin Law
- scanners
Colin Law
- storage space
Colin Law
- storage space
Colin Law
- storage space
Colin Law
- System Drops Network Connection
Colin Law
- Android Studio with multi monitors
Colin Law
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Colin Law
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Colin Law
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Colin Law
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Colin Law
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Colin Law
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Colin Law
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Colin Law
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
Colin Law
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
Colin Law
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
Colin Law
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
Colin Law
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
Colin Law
- new laptop will not start from USB flash drive
Colin Law
- Slow Unity
Colin Law
- 7.04 (yes!) and large drives
Charlie Luna
- test
Charlie Luna
- Computer is slowing down
Charlie Luna
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Doug) and (Paul Cartwright)
Charlie Luna
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Charlie Luna)
Charlie Luna
- Granting all users access to mounted CIFS shares
Jacob Mansfield
- Computer is slowing down
Kenneth Marcy
- os problems
Kenneth Marcy
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Kenneth Marcy
- Music created using GNU/Linux
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
- Partition Resizing Plan
Drac Noc
- new laptop will not start from USB flash drive
Jared Norris
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Strange failure, probably video card
Kevin O'Gorman
- Grub confusion
Kevin O'Gorman
- Grub confusion
Kevin O'Gorman
- Grub confusion
Kevin O'Gorman
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Kevin O'Gorman
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Kevin O'Gorman
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Kevin O'Gorman
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Kevin O'Gorman
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
Kevin O'Gorman
- EEEK! cannot log in
Kevin O'Gorman
- EEEK! cannot log in
Kevin O'Gorman
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Kevin O'Gorman
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Kevin O'Gorman
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Kevin O'Gorman
- Fresh install of Saucy. Apache2 configs from Raring are epic failure
Kevin O'Gorman
- Upgrades from 13.04 to 13.10 fail
Dave Perry
- symlink via command line
blind Pete
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
blind Pete
- Decimal separator
blind Pete
- Decimal separator
blind Pete
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- Partition Resizing Plan
Barry Premeaux
- 7.04 (yes!) and large drives
Liam Proven
- Partition Resizing Plan
Liam Proven
- New(er) Kernel
Liam Proven
- Partition Resizing Plan
Liam Proven
- Partition Resizing Plan
Liam Proven
- Partition Resizing Plan
Liam Proven
- Hello, I would be out of station for probably a month or more
Liam Proven
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Liam Proven
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Liam Proven
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
Liam Proven
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
Liam Proven
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Liam Proven
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Liam Proven
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Liam Proven
- Update for Java?
Liam Proven
- No subject
Liam Proven
- No subject
Liam Proven
- Grub confusion
- Grub confusion
- rsync question
- Security question
- Security question
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
- Security question
- System Drops Network Connection
Jay Ridgley
- System Drops Network Connection
Jay Ridgley
- System Drops Network Connection
Jay Ridgley
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
- ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 112, Issue 47
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
- DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software
- 7.04 (yes!) and large drives
Johnny Rosenberg
- Sending multiple files in Nautilus to a script doesn't work the way I expected…
Johnny Rosenberg
- Copying files to Nexus 4 (and possibly other Android phones)
Johnny Rosenberg
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Johnny Rosenberg
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Johnny Rosenberg
- Why is mounting a USB disk in a usable manner so difficult?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Johnny Rosenberg
- Decimal separator
Johnny Rosenberg
- Decimal separator
Johnny Rosenberg
- Decimal separator
Johnny Rosenberg
- Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Re: Sessions – what am I missing?
Johnny Rosenberg
- Ubuntu Box for my kid's School Library
Amichai Rotman
- Help! Timeshift ate my Root (/) partition's free space!
Amichai Rotman
- Help! Timeshift ate my Root (/) partition's free space!
Amichai Rotman
- Adding SteamOS to the Ubuntu Logon
Amichai Rotman
- Failed package verification
John Scott
- Mouse/touchpad functionality disabled.. fine again on restart
Sabniveesu Shashank
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
David Shwatrz
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
David Shwatrz
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
David Shwatrz
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
David Shwatrz
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
David Shwatrz
- 2.1 speaker's
Sanpreet Singh
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Paul Sladen
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Paul Sladen
- Making unicode characters on a US keyboard
Paul Sladen
- symlink via command line
Wade Smart
- symlink via command line
Wade Smart
- Help with getting bluetooth to work
Jim Smith
- Help with getting bluetooth to work (Jim Smith) and (Colin Law)
Jim Smith
- Help! Timeshift ate my Root (/) partition's free space!
Paul Smith
- Security question
Paul Smith
- test
Pete Smout
- New(er) Kernel
Pete Smout
- New(er) Kernel
Pete Smout
- Hello, I would be out of station for probably a month or more
Pete Smout
- storage space
Pete Smout
- storage space
Pete Smout
- storage space
Pete Smout
- storage space
Pete Smout
- Slow Unity
Pete Smout
- test
John R. Sowden
- Computer is slowing down
John R. Sowden
- libqt version 3 under 13.10?
John R. Sowden
- Computer is slowing down
John R. Sowden
- Computer is slowing down
John R. Sowden
- Computer is slowing down
John R. Sowden
- os problems
John R. Sowden
- missing file in distro
John R. Sowden
- missing file in distro
John R. Sowden
- missing file in distro
John R. Sowden
- Partition Resizing Plan
Tommy Trussell
- firefox blocks java
Tommy Trussell
- firefox blocks java
Tommy Trussell
- firefox blocks java
Tommy Trussell
- firefox blocks java
Tommy Trussell
- firefox blocks java
Tommy Trussell
- firefox blocks java
Tommy Trussell
- bcache issue
Jack Wallen
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
Colin Watson
- Partitioning problem
Colin Watson
- Grub confusion
Colin Watson
- Security question
Colin Watson
- Security question
Colin Watson
- Security question
Colin Watson
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
Colin Watson
- Decimal separator
Colin Watson
- Preseeding answer to grub installation disk
Stephen Wood
- Preseeding answer to grub installation disk
Stephen Wood
- Sessions – what am I missing?
Dave Woyciesjes
- How to setup the same user/passwd and group on multiple ubuntu machines?
Peng Yu
- Update for Java?
MR ZenWiz
- having a problem with postgresql removing or installing.
jonathan candler
- Computer is slowing down
- Computer is slowing down
- RE: Sessions – what am I missing?
- RE: Sessions – what am I missing?
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
C de-Avillez
- Security question
C de-Avillez
- Nikolai Cassanova: Help with bluetooth
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help: what are the commands in terminal to find out if bluetooth is working, also I forgot my su password how can i reset it
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help with getting bluetooth to work
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help with getting bluetooth to work (Jim Smith) and (Colin Law)
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help with getting bluetooth to work (Colin Law) (Jim Smith)
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Nikolai Cassanova)
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Doug) and (Paul Cartwright)
nikolaigauntiet at
- Help: I can't get my trackpad to deactivate while i am typing (Charlie Luna)
nikolaigauntiet at
- Nikolai Cassanova: Help with getting trackpad disabled (Charlie Luna)
nikolaigauntiet at
- Computer is slowing down
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
emilianovazquez at
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
emilianovazquez at
- scanners
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
- package for kernel man pages (section 9)
- Ruby and ri(1) ruby information
- issue about `less` in ubuntu
ping song
- issue about `less` in ubuntu
ping song
- ubuntu/linux: any good free ascii-based game?
ping song
- Help, I broke gcalcli
- firefox blocks java
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- Update for Java?
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- Update for Java?
- Update for Java?
- firefox blocks java
- os problems
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- Update for Java?
- firefox blocks java
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- cpuminer possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
- firefox blocks java
- firefox blocks java
- simple upstart example
- simple upstart example
- Imap trash settings
- Imap trash settings
- storage space
- dig a vanity domain
- dig a vanity domain
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
- probe router wirelessly, double NAT
- Vuze (Azureus): zero results
- telnet localhost 25 script/software
- swaks, was Re: telnet localhost 25 script/software
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- receive e-mail with postfix (blocked by....?)
- having a problem with postgresql removing or installing.
Last message date:
Tue Dec 31 18:29:18 UTC 2013
Archived on: Thu Oct 13 18:49:39 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).