- Industry & Regulatory News
- ERISA News
Industry & Regulatory News
DOL ESOP Proposed Rule at OMB
The Office of Management and Budget has received a proposed rule from the Department of Labor (DOL) titled "Worker Ownership, Readiness, and Knowledge”, pursuant to the requirements of Section 346 of SECURE 2.0.
Industry & Regulatory News
Retirement Plan Disaster Assistance May Be Available in Nebraska and New York
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued Major Disaster Declarations on October 21, 2024, for the following locations:
Industry & Regulatory News
Retirement Plan Disaster Assistance May Be Available for North Carolina Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a Major Disaster Declaration on October 19, 2024, for North Carolina Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight, for the incident period of September 16, 2024 – September 20, 2024.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Issues Yield Curves and Segment Rates for DB Plan Calculations
The Internal Revenue Service has issued Notice 2024-76, which contains updated guidance on factors used in certain defined benefit (DB) pension plan minimum funding and present value calculations.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Releases Guidance on Qualified Medical Expenses
The Internal Revenue Service has released Notice 2024-71, Expenses Treated as Amounts Paid for Medical Care. The notice provides a safe harbor for qualifying medical expenses from a health flexible spending arrangement (health FSA), Archer medical savings account (Archer MSA), health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), or health savings account (HSA) for amounts paid for condoms.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Posts Final Regulations on Withholding on Certain Distributions to Payees Outside the United States
The IRS has posted final regulations regarding income tax withholding on certain periodic payments and nonperiodic distributions from employer deferred compensation plans, individual retirement plans, and commercial annuities that are not eligible rollover distributions.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Releases Guidance on Preventive Care for Purposes of Qualifying as a High Deductible Health Plan
The Internal Revenue Service has released Notice 2024-75, Preventive Care for Purposes of Qualifying as a High Deductible Health Plan under Section 223. This notice expands the list of preventive care benefits permitted to be provided by a high deductible health plan (HDHP) to include over-the-counter oral contraceptives and male condoms.
Industry & Regulatory News
Retirement Plan Disaster Assistance May Be Available for Alaska Flooding (1)
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a Major Disaster Declaration on October 16, 2024, for Alaska flooding, for the incident period of August 5, 2024 – August 6, 2024.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Releases Guidance on Inadvertent Benefit Overpayments under SECURE 2.0
The Internal Revenue Service has released Notice 2024-77, Guidance Under Sections 414(aa) and 402(c)(12) of the Internal Revenue Code with Respect to Inadvertent Benefit Overpayments.
Industry & Regulatory News
IRS Announces Applicable Federal Rates for November
The IRS has issued Revenue Ruling 2024-24 which contains the applicable federal rates (AFR) for October 2024. These rates are used for such purposes as calculating distributions from retirement savings arrangements that meet the requirements for substantially equal periodic payments (a 10 percent early distribution penalty tax exception), also referred to as “72(t) payments.”