March 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Mar 1 00:18:56 UTC 2011
Ending: Thu Mar 31 23:04:50 UTC 2011
Messages: 1242
- what is menu.lst equivalent for lucid
- how to get wireless back on a xen pv-ops dom0 setup on lucid 64 bit
Tapas Mishra
- Audiobook players
drew einhorn
- Installer
Kaushal Shriyan
- Get appointments in date/time applet
CA G Rajesh
- Sorting by date
Colin Law
- options to create guest OS in virt-manager are greyed out on Lucid 10.04 64 bit
Tapas Mishra
- Introduction
Niki Kovacs
- Completely remove graphical package management interfaces?
Niki Kovacs
- Keep diskdata while installing
Mariano Jara
- USB Mobile Broadband Service
Kaushal Shriyan
- how to create a 32 bit PV Lucid guest on pv-ops Dom0 on Lucid 10.04 64 bit
Tapas Mishra
- lsusb command
Kaushal Shriyan
- Share EVDO Rev A connection in Ubuntu 10.10
Kaushal Shriyan
- Adding a custom keyboard layout
Johnny Rosenberg
- the ~/Downloads directory closes automatically once i open it
larmbr zhan
- Recent netbooks with Solid State Drives?
Bill Moseley
- Paquetes Linux Ubuntu 10.10
Edwin Javier Berrio
- Installing Thunderbird 2 on current LTS
Liam Proven
- GRUB 2
Liam Proven
- Outputting to console and file
Oliver Marshall
- configuration GRUB 2 dans ubuntu & GRUB2 end
jean durandt
- Resolved: Re: automatically mount network drive - 10.04 LTS
Arnaud G
- .screenrc entries to show always the windows in bottom
Tapas Mishra
- Connection Problems with newly purchased and ubuntu installed system
Jay Ridgley
- New kernel won't boot
Frank McCormick
- Mouse jitter, tried different mice
Dotan Cohen
- what can mid night commander do
Abhishek Dixit
- Landscape invitation
Jay Boyson
- application "swisswatch" and metacity
Leander Jedamus
- apt-get dist-upgrade
Abhishek Dixit
- calendar creation software
- NIC device names changed
- A Moving to Linux Question
Amichai Rotman
- Application launcher
Jim Byrnes
- Script to connect to internet at bootup
Olivier Cailloux
- USB Directconnect cable - unable to get it to work
Ian Coetzee
- 2.6.32-30 kernel failed to install
Robert Holtzman
- problem with installing hsfmodem driver
a dehqan
- USB hard disk ON and OFF
Alain Muls
- Squid Proxy to IPv6
Damien Hull
- REISUB versus ctrl-alt-del
Thufir Hawat
- my laptop sometimes stop responding with disk errors
Asif Iqbal
- BitDefender AntiVirus on Ubuntu.Different packages?
alexandre suzuki
- how to cleanly uninstall Ubuntu 10.04 and remove grub2
Abhishek Dixit
- IPTABLES rule for separating users
- chmod and chown recursion (sudo)
Thufir Hawat
- Jesus! I hate 11.04, WTF happened? This is awful. Somebody's head should be smacked!
- how to make symbols used in differential equations and maths etc character map information needed
Tapas Mishra
- hp probook 4515s going rebooting when I click Shutdown
Сергей Кондурян
- Places goto Shotwell
- Setting up IPv6 tunnel, having trouble with the GUI part
Nathaniel Homier
- htaccess + php = HTTP 500 Internal Error
Derek Maciel
- just curious...
Nathan Bahn
- Can't figure out how to make this query
MR ZenWiz
- assign keyboard keys
Thomas Blasejewicz
- nautilus + terminal
Thomas Blasejewicz
- Disable autostart from mysql
- Document Viewer not printing?
Knute Johnson
- [11.04]-Turn Off Unity & Use Classic Gnome?
Tom H
- Can not obtain an IP address via DHCP on new system. Why?
Jay Ridgley
- Tool to show total traffic over NIC
Oliver Marshall
- completely disable touchpad
Liviu Andronic
- ksplice through squid?
- SNMP trap set up
Oliver Marshall
- how to create an http install environment of Ubuntu
Tapas Mishra
- Network stats not reporting via SNMP
Oliver Marshall
- Ubuntu with Unity versus Kubuntu with KDE
Basil Chupin
- mailman upgrade
- ? specific to Compaq CL1850R; Debian 6 installs, but Ubuntu 10.10 & 11.02 alpha 2 hang early
Larry Vaden
- dosbox vs. wine
- Cannot record sound with Java in web browser
Dotan Cohen
- Scripts won't run at boot
Dotan Cohen
- Ideas for securing OpenVPN on an OpenWrt router
- Ubuntu support in SW Missouri?
Richard Owlett
- Which version of Sun Java have I got?
Colin Law
- Nautilus
Ramachandran Chidambaraiyer
- copy or save to root question
- Ubuntu 11.10 christened Oneiric Ocelot
Basil Chupin
- wubi does not install grub and neither correctly copies the modules of grub
Abhishek Dixit
- how to only allow tcp on dport 443 on the OUTPUT chain?
- How to manage hostnames via DHCP?
Niki Kovacs
- Dell Perc H700 monitoring in Ubuntu
Oliver Marshall
- what is the “Online Certificate Status Protocol”
- Enabling an apache module for just one site
Oliver Marshall
- WG: issiue with Emulex NIC - packet loss
Christian Schmid
- Mounting an External USB Hard Drive
Amichai Rotman
- Natty Alpha 3
clintin at
- Installation?
Knute Johnson
- installer does not find a network - but a live system does ... wtf?
Andi Meier
- automating the process of asking question
Abhishek Dixit
- I want no GDM at startup
Sascha Effert
- wireless controller for toshiba satellite L675D
j arwood
- opening a password protected pdf
Patton Echols
- change mount point of the stick usb drive or USB thumb
Ricardo Barbosa
- Connection Problems with newly purchased and ubuntu installed system **SOLVED**
Jay Ridgley
- samba configuration
Ghorai, Sukumar
- Update on the USB "Safely Remove Drive" issue.
MR ZenWiz
- virtualbox versus kvm virtual machines. How account for video difference?
Paul Johnson
- 10GB and NFS
Emet Barmor
- Edit PDF in OO-Draw
Patton Echols
- How to deal with webcat
Davinder Kumar
- Sun Java docs?
Knute Johnson
- [OT] Japan Earthquake
- ~/.gvfs is annoying for sysadmins
travis+ml-ubuntu-users at
- GRUB 2 vs. framebuffer
Niki Kovacs
- New linux wiki up
Christopher Lemire
- WinCE 5.0 to ubuntu (CPU ARM)
Tom Sparks
- 10.04 LTS file sharing
william drescher
- Enable Logging
Kaushal Shriyan
- Grub to boot automatically after a crash
- [11.04Alpha3]-Application Menus Back In Applications?
Jesse Palser
- How P2P Mobile Broadband Services work
Kaushal Shriyan
- Aptitude in 10.10 desktop
Damien Hull
- 10.04 troubleshoot system freeze
- Need to change drivers
Jon Anderson
- [11.04Alpha3] - "Classic Desktop"-How To Disable Default Theme???
Jesse Palser
- [11.04]-Will Beta 1(March31) Be Feature Frozen?
Jesse Palser
- Lubuntu
Joep L. Blom
- Bug Reporting On 11.04 - How?
Jesse Palser
- Off topic query
- how to install multiboot.mod in grub of wubi
Abhishek Dixit
- Etthernet id and DHCP Leases question
Jay Ridgley
- service utility with Ubuntu 10.04 does not work properly when used to restart network
Tapas Mishra
- 2 Not-so-idle Questions
Nathan Bahn
- Need More Testers Of Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha # 3...
Jesse Palser
- Page won't stop scrolling
Jon Anderson
- what plugin is required to watch this link
Tapas Mishra
- Jesus, am I using windows here or what????
- Eclipse Pulsar .deb?
Dotan Cohen
- Will DDR3 memory freeze 10.04?
- can't find @ on kaybord
Jeff G.
- Suggestion for a smartphone running natively LINUX? :)
- Upgrade package using dpkg?
Niki Kovacs
- running "elgg" on current ubuntu?
Robert P. J. Day
- Problems getting 10.04 to log to remote syslog server
- Moving Swap file
Andy Graybeal
- xine-check missing
Ric Moore
- boot screen = long list
Cliffer Benny
- Ubuntu 10.10: System hangs after login
Sam Albers
- not able to use gps receiver under 10.10
parimal naigaonkar
- iPhone error
Alfredo De Luca
- Correct use of apt-get remove/purge/autoremove
Niki Kovacs
- [Off Topic] :Indian government can switch off your internet if necessary
arun singh
- problems with lm-sensors
- YUMI multiboot usb: No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.
Amedee Van Gasse
- Creating DeviceURI usb printer aliases that are more generic, for CUPS 1.4
Mark Carroll
- PLEASE help me (pleading) Wireless connection problems
Jay Ridgley
- What did Aptitude just install?
Dotan Cohen
- Can someone take a look at this and see if I have a problem.
Jon Anderson
- Virtualization without extensions?
Patton Echols
- Upgrading through apt source
Koh Choon Lin
- What do you do to post a answer to a question in this group
Jon Anderson
- terminal login
- Ubuntu on IBM or Lenovo servers
Oliver Marshall
- process accounting in lucid how to read logs
Tapas Mishra
- creating a local mirror at home computer
Tapas Mishra
- Task Reminder/PopUP
Kaushal Shriyan
- Sync multiple computers to a central server
Amedee Van Gasse
- need help with sed problem
Joao Ferreira gmail
- Internet on Ubuntu only
Bob H.
- GnuSTEP aplications cannot start but segfault
A. Kromic
- Problem with tor
pkaplan1 at
- Firewall rules to block unwanted protocolls on given ports
- Suspend and Hibernation Problems
Diogo Branco
- how to send mail using command line
Abhishek Dixit
- How to use output sound as input sound?
Jo Galara
- 11.04 Beta Experiance
- Looks like A. Jorge Garcia is now trying to twitter Ubuntu list users
- nVidia proprietary drivers leaves PC ususable
Sebi Kul
- firefox 3.6.15 ubuntu
Joep L. Blom
- Disk partition wiped out
Klaus VE3KR
- Privoxy redirect rule for Wikipedia! :)
- android-sdk .deb or repository
Liviu Andronic
- switching applications to another work space on command line
Tapas Mishra
- How to stop Network Manager (I asssume) overwriting /etc/hosts in 10.10?
Chris G
- Problem unmounting external hard drives
MirJafar Ali
- Apache and SSL
Damien Hull
- CD does not boot
Thomas Blasejewicz
- Sound problem no speakers
Patton Echols
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Jitender Kumar via LinkedIn
- Dual monitors using DVI / VGA ports on motherboard
Dotan Cohen
- using transmission torrent client behind a proxy
Tapas Mishra
- Mixed repository with Ubuntu?
Todd A. Jacobs
- how to install source code
Tapas Mishra
- 11.04 64bit Alpha 3-Guest Under VirtualBox Problem...
Jesse Palser
- Sort of O.T. Kubuntu screen size inside VBox
Albert Wagner
- Reading CD & DVD discs => "Error File not found."
jimkvg at
- Ubuntu Updates
Kaushal Shriyan
- Firefox 4
Kaushal Shriyan
- tee and some commands
Oliver Marshall
- Wanted - video player (ogg video) with fast forward, pause, reverse, etc. controls
Chris G
- Reading CD & DVD discs => "Error File not found." (James)
jimkvg at
- How to rearrange panel applets?
Jim Byrnes
- VirtualBox Kubuntu Screen Size & Resolution
Seattle Chaz
- Network printing
- Automatically restart OpenVPN Service
Kaushal Shriyan
- downgraded to an old version of flash how to trace what changes were made by installer
Tapas Mishra
- Search for a tutorial/script to upgrade new mailman versions (
René Linke
- Adobe Flash fails Firefox: LoadPlugin: failed initialize flashplugin-installer/ : wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 ; gre
- Enable debug in Firefox compile
- 60MB small, & gets rid of bugs - re:Enable debug in Firefox compile ; gre
- Sirius web online player
Chris Davis
- Sound scratch problem with Orca during the welcome sound of Ubuntu (was: Re: How starting Ubuntu Maverick Live CD/DVD with Orca?)
René Linke
- HOW to set “security.OCSP.require” in Google Chrome/Chromium?
- vboot
- For the archives: A fix for "Gave up waiting for root device" on boot
Dotan Cohen
- Nvidia card only works in recovery mode
Jon Anderson
- Exploit-db like websites, where people can search for security bugs
- automatic update want to remove packages
Joep L. Blom
- efax: No alert for incoming fax
- Nautilus behavior
Jim Byrnes
- Heads up on skipping sound during DVD playback
Ric Moore
- Broadcom Wireless and Bluetooth Driver configuration Question
René Linke
- HP Deskjet F2483 driver for 10.10?
Avraham Hanadari
- LibreOffice instead of OpenOffice
Avraham Hanadari
- trying to OCR a simple tif file with tesseract-ocr
Robert P. J. Day
- Radeon HD 5770 Drivers issues
Paulo Sampaio
- Lucid vs. old Intel video card
Niki Kovacs
- screen resolution
- Anyone using OpenCPN? - Printing
- cartoonizer photo effects :: generate cartoon from pics and/or movies
Sven Aluoor
- installing eclipse 3.6 on ubuntu 10.10?
Robert P. J. Day
- Hostname configuration on DHCP/DNS server: /etc/hosts vs. /etc/hostname
Niki Kovacs
- F.F.4 Video/Audio Issues
Nathan Bahn
- Dell ispiron 530 video question
- downloading Ubuntu server amd64 .v. x86_64
Aaron Gray
- Desktop clients and NetworkManager
Niki Kovacs
- hibernate with swap+swapfile?
Franz Waldmüller
- Use apt-cacher during install ?
Niki Kovacs
- [Maverick] Broken flash plugin
Jim Smith
- HELP No network icon showing
Pat Brown
- Need help, please, with burning DVDs
Basil Chupin
- interested in ubuntu-available OCR software choices
Robert P. J. Day
- Installing Ubuntu Server on HP ProLiant DL140 w/o CD
Aaron Gray
- Please Fix This One Bug In 11.04 Before Beta1...
Jesse Palser
- bluetooth usb
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
- unable to start apache as process/dameon
Tapas Mishra
- Remaster Ubuntu 10.04 desktop install CD
Niki Kovacs
- issues with perl module
Ray Leventhal
- ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 156
Hossein Hariri
- ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 155
Hossein Hariri
- How can I know to which ubuntu package does a specified file (not on my fs) belongs?
Kevin Wilson
- Where Do I Download 11.04 Beta 1 ???
Jesse Palser
- No /dev/lp0
- Evolution Problems - Summary and Folder mismatch, even after sync
Kipton Moravec
- 11.04 64bit Beta1 CD Install FAILS - Now what do I do?
Jesse Palser
- Convite para conectar-se no LinkedIn
Robson Sampaio via LinkedIn
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 23:04:50 UTC 2011
Archived on: Thu Oct 13 18:48:07 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).